
The Fulfillment of All Desire: A Guidebook for the Journey to God Based on the Wisdom of the Saints is unavailable, but you can change that!

Ralph Martin, drawing upon the teaching of seven acknowledged Doctors of the Church, presents an in-depth study of the journey to God. This book provides encouragement and direction for the pilgrim who desires to know, love, and serve our Lord. Whether the reader is beginning the spiritual journey or has been traveling the road for many years, he will find a treasure of wisdom in The Fulfillment...

our accomplishments nor the result of any of our efforts. And the reason that God structured salvation in this particular manner is to remove absolutely any possibility of human pride claiming salvation as its own doing. Human pride and self-reliance must be broken for salvation to break in. After the initial acknowledgement of our own incapacity and desperate need (repentance) and our acceptance of the gift of mercy, pardon, and new life (faith), then, indeed, it is important to live in accordance
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